Terms and conditions:

If you have any extra questions, feel free to contact the developer!

Data collection:

The only data we collect is data that is neccissary for the website to function, this only includes the options you will enter when generating links.
This will consist of the URL you request shortened along with a timestamp of its expiry on our system (if one is set).
Every shortened link will also have a generated ID, counter for clicks and a creation timestamp which will also be stored alongside it.
The counters can be toggled off during link creation, if dissabled the counter is still made but will remain at 0.

Deletable data:

Expired links will be available until their expiry time is over where they will automatically be deleted from our database.
As of right now there is no way to delete a link that is generated unless it has a expiry date, this may be subject to change in the future.
If you would would like to request a link removal from our database, please get in contact with us, we will always try to help the best we can!


All stored links can be accessed by anyone who has the link ID.
Using the ID the API can show information about where the link directs, when it was created, how many times it has been clicked and its expiry date.
If you do not wish your generated links to be viewable via the API you can toggle API visibility during link generation via the Hide from API toggle.
Already generated links can not be edited to show/hide them from the API, once generated the API visibility option is permanent.